DAPHNE JONES | The Smart Money Chick

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My podcast, I’ve got, I’ve got a strictly audio podcast, well there’s a video component, but it was primarily audio grown women growing well. We’ve got about 75 episodes up, had a great time doing it. My partner Roberta Ravel and I, she’s a sales coach and we were interviewing, again, women entrepreneurs, subject matter experts coming in all about starting a business a little bit later and, and how to do so effectively, sales and marketing and things like that. And the big love of my life right now is my YouTube channel, smart Money Chick tv, getting guests to come on and being able to give information about, again, life insurance, finance tech.

DAVID GAROFALO | From Gold Royalty Corp.

It it does and and important from a decarbonization standpoint. It also has some properties that you know,...

Creating and monitoring a portfolio

A portfolio is important for several reasons. First, it helps you diversify your investments, which means spreading your...

DAVID MAURICE SHARP & DIANE CIESLA | The Dancer and the Actress

On. Yeah. And that because there was commissions on it. So the, the more shares you bought, the,...

ANMOL SINGH | From Live Traders

Now the, you can't actually lose all their money because they will, even if they, even though they...